The Open Village Forum scheduled for 13th October has been cancelled.
Your Parish Council has made this decision with great regret.
The purpose of the meeting was to report back to residents on parish council finances and activities, and in particular explain funds from the Community Infrastructure Levey and consult on possible uses of that money. A number of village organisations were also invited to attend to showcase their contribution to the community.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 is still widespread in the community, and the long term outlook is still uncertain. The Paris Council felt it would be irresponsible to hold a meeting in a packed hall and that social distancing was necessary. Best practice for indoor venues means a limitation on attendance numbers at the Village Hall that would be far below the likely demand. Consideration was given to an all-ticket event but there were insurmountable problems relating to a fair distribution of tickets, the lack of which would invalidate the forum as a consultation exercise.
In its place the Parish Council will produce an Annual Report covering all the topics that would have been presented at the Open Village Forum, and offering the means to comment on the Parish Council’s activities and plans. This report will be delivered to every household in Bramhope and Carlton.
The Council will contact village organisations individually to find alternative means of publicising their activities.