Leeds City Council and Leeds Local Education Partnership (LLEP) would like to inform Bramhope residents that a planning application will soon be submitted for proposed construction works at Bramhope Primary School.
They will be holding an online consultation event with the Design Team on 17th November
at 1pm. If you wish to join the event, please register your interest by emailing them at least 24 hours before the event and they will provide you with a link to join.
They will be submitting a planning application towards the end of November 2021. Once the
application has been submitted, it will be available to view and comment on online via Leeds City Council’s Planning Portal – https://publicaccess.leeds.gov.uk/online-applications/
View the proposals online at: https://www.bramhopeprimary.co.uk/
Email the Design Team at: bramhopeprimary.uk@avisonyoung.com
Please email your questions or comments no later than 23rd November 2021
Further details can be found on the Bramhope – Consultation Flyer