Annual Parish Meeting – 4th May 2022

Bramhope & Carlton Parish Council will be holding the Annual Parish Meeting on
Wednesday 4th May 2022 at Bramhope Village Hall, Old Lane, Bramhope.
Doors open 7.00 pm for drinks and nibbles
Meeting begins at 7.30 pm prompt.
All residents of Bramhope and Carlton are welcome
It is your opportunity to find out about completed and planned projects in the Parish and to speak to the Parish Councillors.
A brief formal session will include:
• Parish Council finances
• A review of Parish Council activities in the last 12 months
• Projects for 2022/23
• Parish Council annual charity and Platinum Jubilee Events
• Bramhope & Carlton Parish Council Honorary Citizen Award 2022 presentation
Parish Councillors will be on hand to answer your questions.
There will be displays on Parish Matters and from local organisations including
Bramhope in Bloom, Bramhope Festival
The Neighbourhood Policing Team,
Carers Leeds, Dementia Friends Bramhope
Bramhope Bowls Club, Bramhope Tennis Club