Update on proposed highways works in relation to the Bramhope Primary School expansion.

Update to original post dated 05/05/2022

The following four amendments have been made to the proposed highways works in conjunction with the Primary School expansion.

* Longer single yellows at the head of the ginnel by Wynmore Avenue, including dropped kerb crossing with tactile paving.

* Single yellows instead of doubles outside properties 17, 19 & 21 Tredgold Crescent. The waiting restrictions will be during school’s drop-off and pick-up hours, hence outside of these hours residents will be able to park on-street, along with their visitors.

* Double yellows at the junction of Breary Rise / Breary Lane.

* An additional speed hump to the east of Breary Lane / Parklands Gate junction as requested at plans panel.

Posted 5th May 2022

The Parish Council have received information relating to the off-site highway works in relation to the Bramhope Primary School expansion, following discussions at the meeting of the South and West Plans panel held on 17th March 2022.
There was a request to provide an additional speed hump to the east of Breary Lane / Parklands Gate junction, which we have now explored as shown in the drawing attached. The delivery of the highway works has been confirmed by condition 13 of the decision notice:
Prior to first occupation, full details of a package of off-site highway works to facilitate safe pedestrian and vehicle access to and from the development including details of:
A School Street Order to prohibit access other than to exempted vehicles during dropoff and pick-up times on Breary Rise. Existing residents will still be able to access and park on Breary Rise.
Additional raised plateau between the junctions of Breary Rise and Parklands Gate
Introduction of No Waiting at Any Time Orders (double-yellow lines) to prohibit car parking around and adjacent to local junctions.
Introduction of Limited Waiting Times (single-yellow line) on Tredgold Avenue and Tredgold Crescent. Widen existing traffic islands on Leeds Road to 2m.
Provide informal crossing points with dropped kerbs and tactile pavements on the approaches to the school. shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning  Authority together with a timetable for implementation. The approved off-site highway works shall be implemented prior to first occupation or in accordance with a phasing programme and retained thereafter. In the interests of highway safety.
Further consultations will be undertaken with LCC Ward Councillors when the scheme progresses to detailed design and road safety auditing.

The Parish Council have asked for the two  issues below to be taken up with LCC Officers and are awaiting a response.

1. A request for the introduction of single yellow lines as well as the dropped kerbs on Wynmore Ave, by the ginnel to Meadow End. The parish council was previously told a single yellow line at this location was acceptable. There is evidence of regular parking at this location blocking the entrance to the ginnel or making it difficult to use the ginnel,
especially for anyone with a pushchair/wheelchair. Single yellow lines would serve to stop this parking.

2. The use of single yellow lines (rather than the proposed double yellow lines) on the road outside numbers 17, 19 & 21 Tregold Crescent. The residents at these three dwellings have objected to the use of double yellow lines at this location. Single yellow lines would
adequately serve to stop parking at school drop off and collection times.