Leeds Bradford Airport – Enforcement on Red Route roads

Leeds Bradford Airport has announced today new measures to ensure the safe use of the airport’s roads and car parks.

Effective from Friday 27 May 2022, drivers are warned not to stop, park or wait on new double red lined ‘red route’ roads on the airport’s estate. The measures are being implemented due to growing congestion caused by vehicles stopping and blocking lanes on the airports land, creating safety risks for other motorists and potentially causing costly delays for emergency vehicles responding to an incident at the airport. Fines of up to £100 will be levied for breaches of the new measures.

In line with parking policies at other airports across the UK, drivers will also face a fine of up to £100 if they tailgate other vehicles out of car parks to avoid payment, park over two bays, or in disabled bays without the appropriate authorisation.

These changes are being implemented to ensure the wellbeing of passengers, by reducing unsafe vehicle behaviour and limiting the risk of an accident. Drivers coming to LBA can to use the One Hour Free zone or the Pick Up and Drop Off area, people can also use the Flyer bus service which runs from Leeds, Bradford and Harrogate as an alternative.

Public signage detailing these changes will clearly mark the affected areas. Any fine paid within 14 days will be reduced to £60.