Telecoms Tower at the junction of Old Lane and Harrogate Road.  Please make your views known.

The Parish Council wishes to draw your attention to an appeal against the rejection by Leeds City Council of an application to build a 15 metre high 5G mast and ancillary buildings at the junction of Old Lane and Harrogate Road.  Local opinion is a significant factor, and we urge residents to make their views known.


In January of this year Hutchinson Networks made a planning application to erect a 15 metre high 5G mast and ancillary buildings at the junction of Old Lane and Harrogate Road.

The details of the application including maps and plans can be found on the Leeds City Council planning portal, Planning Application number 21/10059/DTM.

The Parish Council is aware of the importance of mobile communications but decided to object because of the size of the mast (6 metres higher than the adjacent lamp standards) and the prominent position in the landscape at the top of Pool Bank which would introduce an incongruous feature in the Green Belt.

Leeds City Council refused the application because the proposed equipment would be “positioned in a very prominent and open location, surrounded by fields and ranging views which is also within the Green Belt.  The grounds for rejection went on to say: “in this instance the proposal will also be detrimental to views from the surroundings and as such would also have a detrimental impact on the character and openness of the Green Belt……the proposal will appear a stark and incongruous addition to its surroundings and landscape…The Local Planning Authority considers that due to its siting and appearance the proposed base, cabinets, monopole mast and antennas by virtue of its height, width and solid design will appear overly dominant and out of scale with its surroundings and would therefore result in unacceptable harm to the visual amenity of the area.”

Hutchinson Networks have appealed against this rejection and the decision will be made by a Government Planning Inspector.

The location






Plan view showing the height of the mast.







Making Your Views Known

  • You can comment online. The online appeals service can be found at  You will need to create a user name and pasword
  • or write . enclosing 3 copies, to The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN quoting their reference number APP/N4720/W/22/3300272.
  • Or residents can contact the Parish Council and any comments we receive will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate