Works will begin at the Dyneley Arms junction during the week commencing Tuesday 30th August 2022.
Initially, works will include inspections and surveys to ensure that a safe working area can be created. The site compound will be set-up during the week commencing Monday 5th September, with the main work starting during the week commencing Monday 12th September. Unfortunately, other work in the area has not allowed us to start during the summer holidays.
To improve safety and reduce delays, we will be upgrading the existing signalised junction with a ‘smart’ signalling system, including introducing crossing facilities outside the Dyneley Arms on both the A660 and the A658. There will also be carriageway widening on the A658 to realign the dedicated left turn lane on to the A660. Dedicated right turn lanes will also be provided on all arms of the junction. To complete the project new tarmac will be laid. Works at this location will take approximately six months to complete.
Details of the scheme, including previous consultation materials, can be found at .