Update on School Street, Parking Changes and Highways works in relation to the expansion of Bramhope Primary School
Further to the article in the Parish Council’s Summer Newsletter, as promised below is the most up to date information that the Parish Council has regarding the proposed school street zone, changes to parking restrictions and the highways works due to be carried out to alleviate traffic congestion as a result of the expansion of Bramhope Primary school and to improve road safety.
The Parish Council has been monitoring the proposals for the highways scheme and has ensured that suggested changes have been made, for example the use of a single yellow line rather than a double yellow line outside residential properties.
Some of the information is still in draft format as it continues to be discussed by LCC Officers, any updates will be included on this page as and when we receive them.
Breary Lane scheme proposals.
The Scheme comprises of various features including the facilitation of parking restrictions, crossing points and traffic calming features to ensure the safety of those in the local area and children of Bramhope Primary school. The above features are beneficial as they help to reduce driver speeds with the implementation of extra traffic calming features also adding additional pedestrian crossings to improve user safety. Details of the proposed scheme are provided on the attached plan: Draft proposals Highways works June 2022
The works consist of:
- Kerb to kerb speed table on Breary Lane with associated informal crossing
- Two new pedestrian refuge islands on A660 Leeds Road.
- Introduction of informal crossing points on various junctions.
- Introduction of parking restrictions to protect junctions in the area.
- Introduction of school street restrictions on Breary Rise.
Pedestrian refuge islands on A660 Leeds Road – update August 2022
Leeds City Council have indicated that they wish to provide improved pedestrian crossing facilities very much in line with supporting local active/sustainable travel choices within the area, including walking to school. Traffic islands are seen to be one method of reducing through traffic speed on roads such as the A660 which would be beneficial to the locality.
The Parish Council have recently been made aware that there are some difficulties which have arisen with the proposed widening of the pedestrian islands on A660 Leeds Road, as it is designated as an Abnormal Loads route, serving the airport. A design which is satisfactory to both the Police and Leeds City Council still needs to be agreed.
Currently the full package of highways works, including the traffic refuge islands has been referred to a design review panel, and will be considered at a meeting in September. If the proposals for the traffic islands and the rest of the plans are approved at that panel it is envisaged that the works will be completed by the end of December 2022.
Introduction of school streets restrictions on Breary Rise
The purpose of school street restrictions are as follows:-
– remove traffic from the school streets at opening and closing times, the times vary with each school, e.g. those in Leeds are up to 1hr 20mins in the morning.
– during these times vehicles are not able to drive onto these streets to drop off or pick up.
– residents of school streets can have permits for up to 3 cars, plus one visitor permit per household
– Permits are free but still have to be applied for with the relevant paperwork as proof of car ownership at that address etc.
– during restricted times residents should avoid driving on the school street and drive at no more than 5mph.
– blue badge holders can access a school street at restricted times.
A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is required before a School Streets Order can be implemented. The TRO will be implemented with other TROs needed for the proposed scheme, such as the additional yellow lines. There will be a full consultation process to go through and it is currently anticipated that residents of Breary Rise and those living in close proximity will be contacted at the end of autumn. Notices will also advertise the proposed TRO on local streets. The TROs should be implemented before the end of the calendar year subject to there being no objections to the proposals.