Northern Power Grid are due to begin urgent works at the A658 Harrogate Road(airport road) /Otley Old Road cross roads to restore electricity supply to affected residents
At the moment the supply is being provided by generators, temporarily, but these works will restore the permanent services.
Temporary multiway signals will be in place at the junction to allow traffic to pass the working areas safely.
It has been agreed that the works will begin tomorrow 10th Jan with the temporarily lights in place from around 11.30am
Northern Powergrid won’t know the full extent of the damage to their high voltage cable until they can excavate and expose the damaged section – so its difficult to give a precise end date at the moment, however, it is likely that the works will take around 5 -7days to complete
This is a busy junction through the morning and evening peak hours so significant delays should be expected
The lights will be manually controlled 06.30- 19.30 to ensure that the queues are being managed as efficiently as possible
The teams working on the Dyneley Arms junction/scheme have been informed and LCC are looking at what measures can be put in place to reduce further disruption while the emergency works are ongoing.