A Leeds City Council consultation regarding the proposed School Streets scheme as part of the Bramhope Primary School expansion is now open.
Bramhope Primary School Streets Residents Consultation (leeds.gov.uk)
Leeds City Council and Bramhope Primary School are considering the possibility of installing a ‘School Street’ outside Bramhope Primary School initially as a trial of up to 18 months
Leeds City Council would like to know what residents think about this.
‘School Streets’ are where motorised traffic is restricted on specific roads around schools during drop-off and pick-up times. The aim is to create a more pleasant environment outside school, where walking, cycling and scooting to school feel safer and more enjoyable. They may also help to improve road safety, air quality and reduce congestion.
To establish a School Street for Bramhope Primary School, motorised traffic would be restricted on Breary Rise for short periods of time in the morning (approx. 8:15 am – 9:00 am) and afternoon (2:45 pm – 3:30 pm). Vehicles would not be able to enter Breary Rise from Breary Lane. There would be some exemptions including residents and businesses located within the School Street, Emergency Vehicles, Blue Badge holders and liveried delivery vehicles.
Families who currently drop-off or pick-up and park in this area would instead need to walk, scoot or cycle to school or park somewhere else.
The intention is to launch the scheme in the new school year. However ahead of this, the council will undertake a series of steps to ensure the scheme is supported prior to implementation:
Parent and Guardian Consultation
Residents’ Consultation
Enabling works including Traffic Regulation Orders
It should take you about 5 minutes to answer all the questions. The last day that you can respond is Sunday 25th June
If you need to speak to someone about this survey then please email schoolstreets@leeds.gov.uk
You can find out more about School Streets by following this link: www.leeds.gov.uk/schoolstreets