D- Day – 80th Anniversary event – 1st June 2024

The Royal British Legion Bramhope Branch is holding a major event on Saturday 1st June at Bramhope Village Hall to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Visitors are encouraged to dress up in 1940s costume and enjoy a range of entertainment and information to commemorate this historic event.

Sophie Jeffrey, who is organising the event says

“Thank you to everyone who came to the initial planning meeting at the end of March. We got off to a fine start. Several local organisations pledged their help and some very original ideas were put forward. I am particularly looking forward to the Tennis Club staging a then and now tennis display.

Tracy Craggs, one of the country’s leading oral historians who has worked with the Royal Armouries and English Heritage, will be curating an exhibition of D-Day information and memorabilia loaned by local residents. One of the most important D-Day Commanders will be attending in person (as interpreted by Dennis Turner.)

Plans for stalls, refreshments and the raffle are well under way. But there is still time for local organisations who wish to contribute to the day to take part. The next planning meeting is at Bramhope Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd April at 7 pm. You are very welcome to attend or you can contact me by email at sophiehannahlouise777@gmail.com