Ring Road Horsforth to Rodley -* Lane closures now in place*. Connecting West Leeds

Lane closures are now in place on the Ring Road between the A65 Horsforth roundabout and the Rodley Roundabout to facilitate the first phase of the Connecting West Leeds scheme to widen the carriageway, improve the footways and install a new cycleway.

This reduction in capacity leaves one lane open for Horsforth (north)bound traffic and one lane for Rodley (south)bound traffic.

The traffic management will remain in place for the full duration of this first phase which is expected to be completed in October.

The length of the lane closures will be reduced for the 2nd and 3rd phases of the scheme and further information will be sent by LCC about this nearer the time.

This is a highly traffic sensitive route so significant disruption should be expected, especially during the peak hours