Making West Yorkshire safer – have your say today 

Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin has launched a consultation to inform her second Police and Crime Plan and would like to hear your views on keeping our communities safe!

 To have your say, complete the online survey at

 The plan will set the strategic direction for West Yorkshire Police, community safety partners and services commissioned by the Mayor over the next four years. 

 The Mayor wants as many people as possible to tell her what their concerns are, so the new plan reflects the needs and aspirations of everyone across West Yorkshire. 

 You can also join the following online discussions:

 Friday 20 September 1400-1530

Monday 23 September 1000-1130

Saturday 5 October 1030-1200

Tuesday 8 October 1200-1330

Wednesday 16 October 1600-1730

Thursday 24 October 1830-2000

 Please register at

 You can also get in touch over email or phone and for more options and information visit 

 The consultation closes on 31st October 2024.