Refuse Collection update 13.01.25

The Parish Council have received the following from LCC regarding refuse collection in Leeds due to the difficulties in collecting bins last week.

We are sorry for the disruption to collections caused by the recent snow and ongoing conditions. Collection crews have been out in force and doing all they can to get as many bins emptied as safely possible in very difficult conditions. We are currently collecting approximately 530 tonnes of waste per day from bins across the city. 

Should your bin not be collected on the scheduled weekday this week you can leave it out if you wish to and we will do our best to return to empty it this week. However, if it has not been emptied by the end of Sunday 12th then it will not be emptied until the next scheduled collection day for that bin and so should be taken back in

We will prioritise revisiting missed black bins and those areas with the highest concentrations of population/housing. The eight citywide Household Waste and Recycling Centres are open all day, every day (subject to any further weather incidents) and where any excess waste can be taken and disposed of for free. 

A reminder that for anyone whose fortnightly green or black bin was not collected on Sunday 5th, these will still be collected on Sunday 12th instead. For these bins, any additional/excess waste can be left for collection next to the bin providing it is securely bagged.