Parish Council

The Parish Council is the first level of local government and aims to represent the views of people living in the Parish.  It also takes responsibility for maintaining various buildings and open spaces within the two villages.

The Parish Council generally meets on the last Wednesday of every month (except December) at 7:30pm in the Robert Craven Memorial Hall, Old Lane. In 2024 the March meeting will take place on 20th March due to Easter falling early. 

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 15th May 2024 at Bramhope Village Hall. This meeting is an opportunity for residents to meet the Parish Councillors and hear about the achievements of the council for the previous year and plans for the forthcoming year. 

The Parish Council has the following committees

Village Maintenance Committee (VMC) – eight times per year
Finance & Administration Committee (FAC) – meets four times per year

Schedule of Meetings 2024

Planning Committee – meets monthly at 6.30pm, before Full Parish Council and also on an ad hoc basis as required by the deadlines for comment set by Leeds City Council. 

The following Committees meet on an ad hoc basis throughout the year.

Personnel Committee
Communications Committee

Members of the public are welcome to attend any Committee meeting. Members of the public present are invited to participate in ten minute allocated section of the meeting if they wish to do so (see agenda for further details).

Agendas for the meetings are displayed on the noticeboards on Breary Lane and at the Village Hall at least three clear days before the meeting (not including Sundays or Bank Holidays).  Agendas and minutes are also available on this website.

In addition the council has a Cemetery Working Group and a Projects Working Group which meet on an ad hoc basis. Members of the public can attend these meeting with prior arrangement.

The council office is located in Bramhope Village Hall, Old Lane, Bramhope, Leeds, LS16 9AZ. A meeting with the Clerk or a Councillor at the office is by prior arrangement only. The office is accessible to those with mobility issues.

Some meeting are held in a room that is not accessible to those with mobility issues therefore if you have a mobility issues and wish to attend a meeting please contact the Clerk in order that suitable arrangements can be made to provide an accessible venue.

Information held by the Parish Council is available under the Freedom of Information Act in accordance with the Model Publication Scheme.