Community Grants

Bramhope & Carlton Parish Council has a number of grant schemes to support local community organisations.

Annual Grants to major village organisations such as Bramhope in Bloom.

Small Community Grants

The Parish Council is keen to encourage activities that will benefit the community.  £1,500 has been put aside in the 2020/21 budget to provide grants of up to £500 to assist with funding the start up of a new organisation or anew project of capital equipment for an existing organisations.  Activities may be social, educational, cultural, environmental or sporting.  Examples of projects to which grants could be made include:

·         a Community Event

·         a contribution to the cost of an ongoing project

The appropriate form Small Community Grant Application can be obtained from the Parish Clerk.

Community Infrastructure Levy Grants

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new development to help fund the infrastructure required to support new homes and businesses. This money can be used for a wide range of initiatives, both large and small, such as environmental improvements, improvements to a community building or sports facility, equipment for a community group, footpaths and cycle ways The money cannot be used for day to day expenditure and must be spent on projects that benefit the community as a whole. Individuals, political and religious organisations may not benefit from CIL money.

The Parish Council welcomes suggestions for CIL schemes that the Parish Council may wish to undertake. These should be sent to the Parish Clerk.

There is also a Community Infrastructure Levy Grants scheme for local organisations that contribute to the communities of Bramhope and Carlton. This is similar to the existing Community Grant scheme but intended for more ambitious projects that make a lasting contribution to the community. Grants of up to £5000 can be made.

The Community Infrastructire Levy Grant application form can be obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Covid-19 Emergency Support Grants

The Parish Council recognises that that local community organisations may suffer financial hardship through the current Covid-19 restrictions. Grants of up to £1,000 may be made to organisations at risk. Unlike other grant schemes the grant is a revenue grant and may be used against running expenses.

This scheme has a limited life and applications must be received by 28th February 2022. The scheme formally closes on 31st March 2022.

The appropriate form Covid-19 Emergency Support Grant Application can be obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Grant applications will be reviewed by the Parish Council’s Finance Working Group and proposed grants will then be discussed and ratified at a meeting of Full Parish Council.

Applications should be submitted to the Clerk to the Parish Council.